Our Homes Contain a Hidden Complexity of Electrical Systems
Our modern lives are undeniably complex. But the underlying nature of that complexity is often misunderstood. We tend to put a heavy focus on the more visible parts of our world. And to be fair, that’s a perfectly understandable viewpoint. We usually do well to focus on what’s directly in front of us. But there’s a whole world beneath the surface of most things in life.

Consider the walls of your home for a moment. They probably seem like an example of bare minimalism. Our walls might have adornments, to be sure. We’ll put pictures and frames on our walls. Couches or bookcases might rest alongside them. But in general, a wall is just a plain flat surface. But really look along the length of a wall and you’ll have a good chance of finding an electrical socket. And this is where we start to really glimpse the hidden complexity …
Our Homes Contain a Hidden Complexity of Electrical Systems Read More