Designer Kitchens and Bathrooms

Designer Kitchens and Bathrooms

No matter how you furnish your home styles are constantly changing so it is no surprise when you take a critical at your home and realise that it is looking very dated.

Kitchens and bathrooms seem to take the brunt more that any other rooms in the house, this would not matter so much but both the kitchen and bathroom cost a fortune to renovate.

Designers seem to constantly come up with new ideas on how your kitchen or bathroom should look and when you thought you had a really up to date bathroom or kitchen after spending a fortune a couple of years ago, they are egging you on to change it to keep up with the new styles and designs.

Think back to when the new coloured bathroom suites came out, everyone had to have one. But the bathroom designers were not content with that, every twelve months …

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Design-Challenged? Go From Blah to Hurrah on Your Terms

Design-Challenged? Go From Blah to Hurrah on Your Terms

A designer friend of mine lives by the motto, “White is not a colour, it is a canvas waiting to be explored,” if you saw her home you would agree without hesitation. It is a plethora of rich colours and styles integrating and working off one another to create a beautiful living space. Her rooms breathe panache thanks to imported furniture, tasteful accessories and a keen sense of who she is.

Sadly, not everyone can do what she does without turning their home into a visual assault on the eyes. Her look is successful due in part to her refusal to live by seasonal trends or dare I say, by what the “experts” say we should be doing. You know those words and phrases we kind of understand but still need to Google? Flow. Pop. Accent. Inspiration. Focal point. Statement. Room palette. The list is endless and quite frankly at …

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DIY Fireplaces - How to Choose Your Own Stone

DIY Fireplaces – How to Choose Your Own Stone

There are many choices for stone material that you can use for DIY fireplaces. Depending on the design of the stone fireplace, the homeowner must decide whether it is appropriate to use natural stone or fake stones. Of course, your final choice must be based on the style, aesthetic value, and maintenance requirements of your stone fireplace design options.

Even though there are other pressing issues that you have to overcome during your home construction or home improvement project, it is very important that you carefully weigh your choices and choices when it comes to the stone fireplace for your home.

Determine the Best Stone for Your DIY Fireplace

So how can you make sure you have chosen the right stone for your fireplace? There are several variables that you need to include in the equation, and before you head to the home improvement showroom, it would be better if …

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Different Ways in Which PVC Panels Can Be Used in Home Improvement - Other Building Materials

Different Ways in Which PVC Panels Can Be Used in Home Improvement – Other Building Materials

Most building materials and techniques have come a long way in the last decades, so it is safe to assume that more and more people are trying to learn and to apply certain information regarding some of the best, cost-effective home improvement solutions. It has never been easier to get great quality at an acceptable price, thus making it possible for everybody to have their dream house.

One of the most common materials you can come across is PVC (short for Polyvinyl Chloride), which is generally used in construction due to its cost effective and highly durable characteristics. Even if used for everything from construction to clothing, PVC is still a rather controversial material due to the chemicals used in manufacturing it (even though non-toxic chemicals are used for drinking water PVC pipes etc.) but the most relevant health disadvantage is that PVC liberates a lot of toxins when incinerated.…

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Should I Install Carpet or Wood Flooring in My Home?

Should I Install Carpet or Wood Flooring in My Home?

Consider these situations: Family A has a ten-year-old house, and three steam cleanings and a number of other efforts have not been able to remove some of the stains eight years down the line after buying a carpet. On the other hand, Family B has recently bought a house with wood flooring, only to decide afterward that they need to convert their house into a high-traffic mini resort. These two examples will definitely demonstrate that both carpet and wood flooring have their disadvantages. Neither of them is perfect, and the type of flooring the user chooses should be determined by the intended long-term function of the floor covering. To make a logical decision on the flooring to choose, try to look at the pluses and minuses of each type of flooring.

Advantages of Wood

– Wood flooring comes in a wide variety of materials but may not come in as …

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